What Makes Us Different?
It Works!
We dedicate 75% of our network space to Feel Good TV Content.
What this means to you...
Our alluring content includes feel good humorous videos, uplifting messages and educational information which draws attention to our digital billboards, engaging and priming viewers making them more receptive to your AD messages.
The 3 Keys of CaptureTV
"Out Of Home Digital drives 4x more online activity per AD dollar spent than TV, radio and print—according to a Nielsen study.
Out-Of-Home Is Growing And Digital Is Leading The Way - Steve Olenski - Former Contributor - CMO Network
This alluring content includes feel good and humorous videos. Content designed to educate and inspire while bringing
humour and joy into ones day.
Our alluring content includes feel good humorous videos, uplifting messages and educational information triggering emotional responses such as laughter, motivation, joy and inspiration and draws attention to our digital billboards.